Jobs related to Tech are all about disciplineMost of us have heard about how wonderful is to become a data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, ML engineer, or software engineer…Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
Top 4 skills you must have to land a job as Data AnalystWhat skills you must master to become a data analystJan 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022
I'd say at the beginning I thought that using MITO is not useful at all if you use excel for small…The last option is something that I deal with a lot I have to show analysis to my director live and he feels safer if he sees something he…Jan 18, 2022Jan 18, 2022
Can you think like a programmer? Try this challenge.What would you think if a tell you that programming is like a game, you have to choose the game (programming language), learn the rules…Jan 14, 2022Jan 14, 2022
What you don’t know about data careerData careers are a trending topic nowadays, either you decide to become a data engineer, data analyst, or data scientist, “Gurus” will tell…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021